Origen: Sudáfrica.
Otra de las conocidas como euforbias medusoides (por el parecido con la cabeza de "Medusa", el personaje mitológico).
Con el tiempo (mucho tiempo) la parte aérea del cáudice puede alcanzar 20 cm de altura.
Las flores son pequeñas e inconspicuas.
Soporta heladas débiles.
English version:
Origin: South Africa.
Another of so-called medusoids euphorbias (for its resemblance to the head of "Medusa" a mythological character).
It has a caudex (thickened stem) normally underground that can reach about 7 cm wide, with several dozen of little "arms" arising from the top and sides of the caudex.
Over a long time aerial part of caudex can reach 20 cm high.
Flowers are very little and inconspicuous.
It withstands light frosts.Flowers are very little and inconspicuous.