PAVONIA MULTIFLORA (sin. Trilochlamys multiflora, Pavonia x gelhillii)
Origen: Brasil
Al parecer, la planta que normalmente se cultiva y comercializa bajo el nombre de Pavonia multiflora en realidad es un híbrido obtenido en el siglo XIX entre la Pavonia multiflora y Pavonia makoyana, ambas nativas de Brasil.
Es un arbusto siempreverde que puede alcanzar 1,5 metros de altura. En zonas cálidas florece a lo largo de todo el año, produciendo flores de color púrpura en forma de embudo que parecen no abrirse del todo, con los estambres del mismo color asomando por fuera y rodeadas de brácteas de un brillante color carmesí.
Se reproduce por esquejes.
No soporta las bajas temperaturas. Este invierno (2014) ha sido templado y sin heladas y lo ha superado bien, incluso floreciendo.
English version:
Origin: Brazil
Common names: Brazilian Candles
It seems that plant usually grown and sold as Pavonia multiflora is really a XIX century hybrid between Pavonia multiflora and Pavonia makoyana, both native to Brazil.
It´s an evergreen shrub that may reach 1,5 metre tall. In warm areas it usually blooms all year round with cone-shaped purple flowers surrounded by narrow
dark pink or crimson bracts which grow tightly
around the flowers in an upright vase shape.
Propagation is by cuttings.
It doesn´t withstand cold temperatures. This last winter (2014) has been warm, with no frosts, and our plant has overcome it quiet well, even blooming.
I am studying the Brazilian species that were introduced in Europe by naturalistic travelers. I really need to examine the cultivation of the species Pavonia multiflora that you have posted. Do I need your help to find seedlings of this plant in Europe?
ResponderEliminarI will be very grateful to the information and will return with the results of my studies. My email